Access to Seasonal Workers

07 April 2020

The TFGA welcomes the announcement over the weekend by the Tasmanian and Australian Governments regarding the changes of visa arrangements in order to help farmers access the seasonal workforce during COVID-19.

Peter Skillern, TFGA CEO said ”Both the Federal and State governments are to be commended for this decision which will allow the seasonal workers supply, which is so critical for the Tasmanian agricultural sector, to continue to operate, ensuring that harvesting and the production of food which is so critical at this time, can continue.”

“Seasonal workers are currently helping Tasmanian farmers and will continue to do so as we move into the next season, this decision will complement the availability of a Tasmanian workforce that is critical to the production of food in our State. With many Tasmanians now out of work farmers will be looking to provide employment for both seasonal workers and locals who have recently lost their jobs.”

The TFGA reiterates again, that Tasmania is self-sufficient in food and energy, placing us in a very sound position as we continue to tackle the COVID-19 crisis.